Monday, September 3, 2007


today 開學啦..................
i forgot when do i need to go to school, then i phoned Jenny, she is not sure too, she said 穩陣d 照平時返 8 點. But this morning, i wake up a bit late and very slow, when arrive the Van stop, i will be late if i take the van, then wonder if taking taxi, but quite difficult to get a taxi there. The van arrived quite soon,(before Eric help me get a taxi) then i get on the van. Then i discover 2 students are on the same van as me, then i think maybe i m not late, usually one can be late, but now there were 2 here with me. when the time almost 8 am, there was still a long long distance for the van to arrive at school, then i look for where to get off and change to taxi. Before i get off , i want to be sure when will the bell ring, then phone to my Salina, she dun know too, she already arrived, but she help me ask others, then discover that the bell will ring at 8:30 and we have to go to hall at that time, then luckily, i won't be late, continue to sit on the van..........

On the mid way, a form 6 girl get on the van, but she dun know where is her school, she asked the driver, but the driver is not good, he didn't answer, then other passenger said tell her to get off when arrived.
then i remember that when i was form 1, the first day i go to my secondary school myself, also dun know how to go, but just follow those wear same kind of uniform as me, then do so in the following days (once, followed wrongly to the neighbour school Tang Hin), after a few days sin remember the path.

1 comment:

eRic @ 思過崖 said...

Sorry 呀 BB, 差點令你遲到

好想 prepare 早餐俾你番工食呀~~ 唯有等下次la
